I tried to collect useful info here you cannot find easily in the standard historical works.
The native term of Hungarian is Magyar, pronunciation is MAH-dyar.
The Hungarian Kingdom is part of the Transylvanian
Tribunal with Bulgaria and Serbia, mostly these lands consists the Tribunal. Coeris,
the domus magna of House Tremere is found here in the Transylvanian Alps. This
tribunal is perhaps the most magically potent in the lands of the Order.
Although this makes the Transylvanian Tribunal one of the fastest growing in the
Order, it also means that outside magical threats also abound. We can find here
only 5 covenants but the area is so great, there is enough living space even for
15 ones. It is very easy to find a place which is rich in magic and easy to
defend. The inhabitants use magical practices, or at least know someone who does
it. Therefore the magi's activities are not uncommon but their organization.
The local wizards name is Táltos. They are a lot and the Tremere (likely) did
not allowed them to join the Order. Anyway they would lose their majority in the
Ley line crosses may give ideas for magical auras. Here is a map of the lines of today's Hungary.
In the Hungarian Kingdom there was not classical feudalism. Typically the king (and the younger king - the prince) gave land to their combatants. In addition the old genera were allowed keeping parts of their lands. These are the origins of the lands of the nobles and the combatants. Nobles are the richest land owners who had 10-30 villages. Under the rule of András II (1205-1235) the number of the gifts raised dramatically. He was the first king who gave a whole shire to one of his vassals. The poorer combatants had 2-5 villages or possessions, they wanted to be nobles, too. This happened in 1267, in this year the combatants, called that times servienses in Latin got the noble status.
Knight orders:
Gyeicsa II (1141-61) (the generally used Géza is a misreading of his name) established the Stephanitic Order
for the honor of
Saint István (Stephen). They had houses in Esztergom and Jerusalem and worked until the Turkish attack (~1530)
Johannites: they came in Hungary under the rule of Gyeicsa II.
The Knights Templar settled between 1162-72. They were called “Red Fraters”.
After their dissolution (officially in 1312) the Johannites got their wealth and
members. In Hungary they did not suffer from persecution.
The Teutonic Knights got
land in the Barcaság, in the southern part of Transylvania. They were here from 1211
with the mission to evangelize the Cumans. Nobles hated them from some reason. In 1225 they were exiled because
they offered their land as feif to the pope who accepted it and
set the Knights as his vassals. Furthermore they made coins.
The Szent György (Saint George) Knight Order was the establishment of
Károly I (1312-1340) after the scheme of the English
Saint George Order.
Mohammedan Bulgarian traders from the
land near of the Volga. Pest had Mohammedan inhabitants till 1230, in
this year they were exiled and Germans settled in the city.
(Vallon), Italian and Jew traders. From the 12th century there were
French quarters in Esztergom, Fehérvár, Eger,
Várad, Pécs and Zágráb. Maybe
the Tatars slaughtered them.
After the
Tatar invasion (1241-42) Germans came called Sachses regardless their exact
origin, and Romanians (Vlachs),
Slavs, Cumans (a Turk people), Jazygians. The Sachses and the Cumans
(in 1279) got liberty rights. The Cumans shocked the Christian
inhabitants with their long preserved pagan religion, hair and beard style.
In 1083 Anglo-Saxon knights founded New England, they got land in the
Byzantine Empire, probably in Moesia province. One of their cities they
called New York. They wanted to build contacts to the western
Christianity and Hungary. They were lost without trace.
From 1083: András and Benedek, hermits
in Zombor. István the first king of Hungary and his son Imre
who died early. Gellért, a bishop, martyred in a pagan
From 1192: king László.
daughter of Béla IV, she lived as a nun
near Pest on an isle of the Duna. Margit was respected as a saint, although she got
this title officially only in 1943.
They all were local saints in this era.
In Hungary mother of Jesus called always Virgin Mary
and never Saint
Mary. She titled as 'Happy woman' as well. These names have old
shamanistic origin.
The Székelys are another Hungarian languaged group. The legend says they
are the descendants of Huns who remained in the Carpathian basin after the death
of their well-known warlord Attila. In reality they guarded some parts on the
borders and were moved to Transylvania around 1150. Having an authonomy they may live by
their own customs and are obliged to send warriors to the king when needed. Székelys
warriors are horse archers well-known from their skill.
The formal duel is a legal method to decision of an argument. The nobles and the combatants were able to hire a champion instead of themselves.
The people had only one name. In the 13th century nobles started wearing surnames. They take genus names at first and later family names. In the Hungarian language the surname is the first, and the Christian name is the second one. In English texts the name order is often changed.
Hungary has two archbishops, in Esztergom and in Kalocsa. Esztergom is the first in rank, this archbishop had the right to crown the king.
Only the king and sometimes his son made coins but the people
had to change them to newer ones in every year. Sometimes twice a year.
The new coins contained fewer silver so this change was actually a kind of tax.
The Magyar conquerors were horse archers. Their main
weapon was the composite bow, others were the short spear (~2 meter), sabre, sometimes javelin
and war-axe (fokos in Hungarian, see the picture). They wore probably multi layered
leather coats as protection, narrow kaftans, the notables might had silk armor, mail or scale mail. Their descendants in the 13th century composed light cavalry
changing sabres to swords.
The Hungarian high nobles fought like the western knights. The Cumans, Pechenegs
and Jazygians were also nomad people. Some German knights came to Saint István
with the Christian missionaries.
Hungarian Rovash Writing:
Educated people didn't use it but Latin. Long
texts didn't remain and probably it was used only to sign events and alike.
They carved the letters usually on wood and wrote from right to left. Nowadays it is called also Székely rovash (rovás in Hungarian) writing, because most of its traces were found on Székely buildings.
Saint István's
Act Code I
2. If diviners found
the bishop shall whip them.
Saint László's Acts I.,
convocation acts from May 20, 1092
22. About the pagan customs
Those, who sacrifice beside wells
by the pagan customs, or carry gifts to springs and
stones, shall pay an ox for their sin.
34. About the punishment of the lewd women and the witches
The bishop shall judge the the lewd women and the witches as he
considers right.
Bookish Kálmán's
Act Code I
About the canceling of the witch cases
One shall not examine the shapeshifter witches, because they are not exist. (De strigis quae non sunt quaestio fiat.)
The striga was a kind of shapeshifting and life stealing witch.
Thus contrary to the popular belief Kálmán refused only this kind of witches not magic in general, see the next
60. About the punishment of the enchanters (de maleficis)
The dean and the ispán (leader of a county) shall search the wizards and bring
before the law.
Convocation acts from the time of Bookish Kálmán
Against the pagan customs
Nobody shall keep the pagan customs; who does it and are old shall do penance forty days, if young one seven days
while suffering beatings.
Therefore there were pagans still in the time of king Kálmán (1095-1116).
53. About the quacks
If somebody is charged with quack and it is proved, has to do penance by the
church acts.
These are Hungarian folk tales which suit to stories in the Kingdom of Hungary and not for stories in Slavic, German or Romanian area.
-dragons: 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 headed dragons, and the most typical 7-headed one
-faeries: they are beautiful and are able to
transform to animals, usually to birds or horses (see the faerie
horse in the picture). There are White and Black
similar to the seelie and unseelie types. Faeries
generally live in palaces which turns around on a bird leg. The palace
can be transformed to a gold (silver, copper, diamond) apple. One can go into the palace
when it stops turning. People feared the fay, they did not
use this word, but "beautiful woman". Maybe most of
the faeries seemed to be women, because
men's face is soft and feminine, too. Mushroom
and flower faerie (or
witch) rings are not uncommon. Entering in such a ring is extremely dangerous,
especially the faeries are dancing. Greater rings might have faerie aura. They
used to steal babies and put a changeling in their place.
-witches, called also beautiful woman, the relationship between the faeries and witches is not a
-iron-nosed bába is an evil character, similar like Baba Yaga in the
Russian folk tales.
-shapeshifters: (faerie) princesses who can change
themselves to birds, usually to a pigeon or a swan. Pied crow,
clanging magpie, black kite brothers-in-law.
-Táltos (wizard),
wise one
-garabonciás student who is able to cast spells from his book (from
the 16th century)
-fire-breathing, golden-haired,
talking Táltos horses
are powerful, strong but stupid creatures, the cunning peasant rook them
-golden-haired and -feathered animals, golden
-speaking (Táltos) animals: dog, bear
(looks like a living person)
-dwarf, gnome, in mines and caves
-hen which lays
golden eggs
-giants (one-eyed, too)
-dog-headed king, people. The Tatars are called
dog-headed people in the Hungarian folk tales.
-there are NOT vampires. These beings have Serb and Romanian
In the Hungarian folk tales there are many Táltos Horses with
magical abilities who help the hero. These magical
animals can be very good story elements in the Hungarian Kingdom and the
steppes. It suits to Hungarian, Pecheneg, Cuman and Mongol characters.
Táltos is usually the worst horse of the herd, the hero most pass the
tests of his kindness to gain the benevolence of the horse. If succeeds the
horse shows him its true form and will serve
him. The Táltos allows riding only to its owner but he can take
another person. The owner should not exploit and must take care of it,
else it will leave him. Before greater quests it must be eaten with glowing embers.
I suggest to design a Táltos Horse with customized look and abilities but their
personality is rather typical in tales - the wise helper. Although it might be
different in an rpg.
Magic Might: 25 (Auram)
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +2, Pre -3 or +3, Com 0, Str +5,
Sta +3, Dex +1, Qik +3
Size: +2
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Long-Winded, Second Sight, Trance, Premonitions
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Magical Meditation [allows him to
recover Might faster from a Magic aura and to resist the effects of
Acclimation], Susceptible to Deprivation [needs to breathe, eat and drink]
Personality Traits: Faithful +3, Wise +3, Kind-hearted +2, Just +2
Reputations: Jade +1 and/or táltos horse +1
Hooves: Init +4, Attack +6, Defense +5, Damage +6
Soak: +3
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5 (15–21), Incapacitated (22–28),
Dead (29+)
Abilities: Athletics 5 (gallop), Area Lore 4, Awareness 4 (supernatural),
Brawl 3 (hooves), Leadership 2 (horses), Living Language: Local 4, Second Sight
5, Trance 5, Premonitions 5, Magic Lore 5.
-Able to speak but speaks only to his master or future master and
privately. 0 points
-Skywalking ReAu30, 2 points. It is able to fly and
get you even to Faerieland (Arcadia) - or to the lower regions (5
points) within an hour and back. If it transports two persons, the
cost is doubled. (Never use the Táltos like a taxi, it would ruin the mood.) Skywalking may happen only in their true Táltos form.
-Lesser shapeshifting, 1 point, init +10, Animal. From jade to its true Táltos form
and back (MuAn20).
Unique powers (SG: choose as many as you want or none.)
-Major Shapeshifting, 2 points, Init +10, Duration: one day. It is able to transform itself and other
willing targets to other beings or items (Mu25-35) (2 points).
-Fire Breathing (like the Pilum of Fire spell) CrIg20 and Fire
Extraction PeIg20
(like the Indubitable Cold spell) (2-2 points). This is less
common power.
Vis: Their hooves contain typically 4 pawns of Auram vis
in all and their
skull 2 pawns of Muto vis. The
skull of the fiery horses should contain Ignem vis instead of Muto.
It looks an ugly four-legged horse
in his concealed form,
sometimes lame in one leg. Its true form always differ from the casual horses, it is
beautiful and may have three, five or six legs. If the true form is four-legged at
least its color
differs from the usual, it should be literally gold, silver or brass colored. Some have a
shiny sun and moon marking on their forehead. Witches occasionally have three-legged horses who
have a chicken leg instead
of their hind paws. It has not wings! You would never confuse the true form
of a Táltos Horse with mundane horses.
Táltos Horses with lesser power may have no unique power, and
the very powerful ones might have two. I suggest one unique power for the PC's
They aren't so skittish than mundane horses.
Because of its trance ability the horse has great
knowledge about supernatural beings, authorities, medicinal herbs,
the power of the Táltoses' or the weather. It knows the questions in advance so
it needs time for answers only when you (the SG) want some time to make it up
saying 'Dear
master, I will get know it by tomorrow.'
Eating embers restores the lost Magic Might, and raises the maximal Might by 10
points. This bonus vanishes after a week. It is not needed to give it regularly
every week, the Táltos Horse knows exactly
when it's needed and will ask for it.
The horse serves wizards with pleasure, but
their abilities can foretell if a magus wants control
it totally. In this case the Táltos Horse will escape.
Horses are grown-up and
became rideable at the age of about 5. They become old at the age of 20 and
can live about 25 or more. The Táltos can be rideable also as a foal and in old
age, if it permits. Longevity
potions are as useful like for humans the magus has to use Animal
vis instead of Corpus. Raise the abilities of the middle-aged táltos horses by
one except Athletics, and again over 20 years.
Its youngest foal may have also Táltos powers thus generations of horses may serve the
These ideas are not specifically Hungarian virtues people can take them anywhere.
Nature Magus
Major, Hermetic Virtue
You are attuned to the nature based magic
which involves an affinity to the Auram, Aquam, Herbam and Animal
Arts. Whenever you successfully study one of these Arts (that
is, gain at least one experience point from study), you gain an additional
experience point in each of the other three.
Your nature magics are also more flexible than those of other magi - there is no
nature Form requisites to any nature spell. If an Auram, Aquam, Herbam
or Animal spell has another nature as a
requisite, you may ignore that requisite. You must use the primary Art, even if
the requisite is higher.
Give Birth Easily
Minor, General Virtue
Your character never dies in childbirth.
Minor, General Virtue
Your character's apparent age is 15% less than his actual age and gets a +1
bonus to aging rolls.
The Skinchanger, Knight, Giant Blood, Oath of Faith virtues and the Lycanthrope flaws are not typical.
Major Hermetic Flaw
You got your Gift from a spirit, being a Táltos. But a magus discovered
your magical talent and took you to a covenant
where he trained you to a magus. The hermetic magic seems very hard to you,
because the nature of your Táltos Gift is unfamiliar with it. You receive -2 modifier
to each process based on hermetic magic, except learning. You cannot choose
virtues with lab work and books. The flaw involves the Haunted flaw, the spirit
want your death, because of you did not accept his calling become a Táltos. Its
Magic Might is about 50 or more, and it has seer ability therefore destroying it is very
difficult. The Táltoses are strong people, assign positive score to this
Faeries in Hungary are beautiful, so the best to see them as sidhe blooded fays. These are called White Fairies but there were Black Fairies as well where the white fairies are the good ones and the blacks are the bad ones. Tales never tell the appearance of the black fairies, you may choose black hair and maybe darker skin if you want. I give them +1 bonus to Guile and Intimidation. Most of the fairies have some shapeshifting ability. Horses, winged horses and birds are the typical possibilities. There are Undines who should take fish and waterfowl shapes.
Minor Supernatural Virtue
You are able to use the Táltos healing
method. You can heal mental and physical diseases, possessedness on
the roll of 9+, if the patient apply your advices. On the roll of '0'
the disease untreatable by the Táltos healing. Infectious
diseases (e.g.: plague, leprosy) are incurable, too. Choosing this
virtue confers the talent Javas Healing 1, which can be improved with
experience points. Specialties: broken bones, possessedness, mental
diseases, illnesses of the flesh.
Minor Supernatural Virtue
If you have questions which should be answered you
fall asleep for one or one and a half hour. During this time the
spirits give answer to you. Roll a die and add Perception +
Trance. Common questions may be answered on the
roll of 9+, supernatural ones on 12+. You cannot use
hallucinogens. Sometimes you dream about
people's problems before they come to you. You may also have spontaneous
visions. In most cases
answers come to questions and in trance. You get the first level
Trance Ability. Specialties: lost
items-animals-persons, crimes, hidden treasures, love, weather,
seeing spirits of deads, finding the best remedy.
Storyguide: never let your players to put your story out of order referring to
the Trance. Give only as much information you think enough.
Minor Story Flaw
The Táltos Horse is an intelligent magical mount. You
need to have the Ride and Animal Handling
abilities for obvious reasons, and you must take care of it, else it will leave you. The Táltos
Horse can speak and has access to the knowledge of spirits, but you cannot use it like a library. It can
fly and change
its look from jade to an excellent horse and back. Additional power
can be the major shapeshifting or fire breathing. The Táltos
Horse can be played in the story by another player, too. The
character may start the story without the mount, obtainment of the Táltos Horse
can also be an adventure theme.
Shapeshifting to bull or stallion are typical Táltos powers. With faerie background you can choose mainly the shape of a horse, winged horse and different kind of birds.
Minor Story Flaw
You or one of your ancestors got your land without the legal way, but distress.
You cannot prove the legitimacy of your land possession and some people know about
it in your neighborhood. You must reckon with certainty upon its loss if it is
examined especially in the time of the royal land withdrawal (1228-1231 and 1235-1238)
or if the king gives your lands for someone else.
You can take this flaw to the Landed Noble virtue. If the character is
only the half of his lands are the subject of this flaw.
Minor Social Status
Despite their name (serviens) which means servants of the king they are free people, who fight in
the army of the king or the dux. Your freedom means you have no liege lord and you must take the Landed
Noble virtue. It
involves military obligation. With heroic efforts or other similarly important services you may get
further land
possessions. Béla IV admitted
them as nobles in 1267.
Minor Social Status
You are an officer of the royal army, or a descendant of one in the
castle of a hundred. You have limited freedom in the 13th century and you must
take the Landed "Noble" virtue. The service bond you to the castle, you only
sometimes can leave it.
Major Story Flaw
The Combatant of the king (serviens) or later the noble or the Castle Jobbágy makes a
contract with a baron (báró) the baron will defend him and his land and the
Combatant will serve him. The familiar contract resembles to the western Oath of
Fealty but one can have only one lord, will not give his land to him
symbolically, the relationship is not hereditary and the relations between lords
and vassals were far simpler. This flaw
can be used after 1210, after that more and more Combatants and Castle Jobbágys enter into such
contract voluntarily or under pressure.
The tribunal is rich in magic, which means many and strong auras and plenty of raw vis.
The winds of the Carpathian and the Dinari mountains give an advantage to the Auram vis. The Terram vis is typical in the mountains. Clear springs and streams may contain Aquam vis. The relatively low number of the inhabitants means the Corpus and the Mentem vis are rarer, but the nature may be undisturbed, the Herbam and Animal vis deposited richly.
In the lowlands we found a lot of marshes. The decaying process is in harmony with the art of Perdo. Mirages on the lowlands postulates the presence of the Imaginem vis. Here the Herbam vis is rare, but the many herds can be the source of Animal vis. During the canicular days Ignem vis can manifest in physical form.
Based on the folk tales this word means persons and
animals with supernatural powers. Here I am writing about the people.
They can be men and women, too. One has to born to Táltos
the learning is not enough to get the powers. Not the persons choose
the Táltosment but the spirits do it and give them surplus
bones: eleven fingers or birth with teeth. If these teeth were pulled
out, they live like common people, but usually with mental or
physical deformity.
The powers of the Táltos based on the might of the spirits. Without them he cannot use his abilities. As a child he is wandering, worried and solitary, often afraid of something e.g.: clouds, storms. His guardian spirit starts to call him as he is about 7 years old or in the puberty. The child gets the Táltos illness which produce hysterical fit, pain and similar symptoms. Spirits harass, strike and torment him, they force him to accept this vocation (he gets the severe kind of the haunted flaw). The Táltos candidate but rather his family try hinder it. The illness troubles him for weeks or even years. During such a bout or in his dreams his protecting spirit appears, who makes his choice known to the child, and offer his assist. This is sometimes the spirit of the dead Táltos, who gives him his own assisting spirits. Sometimes it is the guardian spirit of an ancestor, but in the most cases a new spirit, who was never seen before. The Táltos if surrenders oneself falls into a deep sleep, called trance, this lasts for three days usually. During the trance the spirits cut him into pieces, control the number of his bones, then arrange him whole again. Also his real body may bleed in this time. The ceremony is various individually, there can be more chopping, maybe he remains in pieces for a while. After this procedure the spirits teach him the magical knowledge. As a test he must climbing the tree of life. Fallen ones are called sometimes 'half-Táltoses', see the article about Táltos companions. When awake from the trance he is a Táltos already. His fits leave off and the service begins. There are people who set themselves against the call at all costs, they will be maimed or slayed by spirits or by the other Táltoses. In some countryside the Táltos was initiated by climbing a tree or mounting a ladder.
If he abandons the Táltosment, the spirits start to torment him, this is a lifetime vocation. He must give the first bite from the meal and the first gulp from the drink to the spirits. Physically it is enough to drop the bite and spill the wine on the ground. At momentous events they offer a white horse as a sacrifice. The Táltoses are usually strong people.
Before the Hungarian Christianity they acted as
priests and wore peculiar shaman clothes adorned with amulets, and
fetishes, with animal and vegetal materials, and metal pieces. Their
headdress was ornamented with antlers. The clothes did not give or
improve magical abilities, it worked perfectly without them. After the
royal and the church power did not tolerated them the Táltoses wore their ornaments secretly. It ousted from use gradually. In the
13th century it may be worn very-very rare.
Before the Táltoses' duel the challenger makes strong wind, and arrives in the shape of a bull. They fight as black and white (fair) colored animals. Outsiders are able to help to any side. The beaten Táltos died frequently. In certain countrysides the struggle happens in different colored stallion, flame (blue and red), and in wheel (iron and fire) form.
Their other names: tudós (wise one), látó (seer), javas, bácsa.
The Táltos is the relative of the shaman, but has some different traits. He dont use hallucinogens to fall in trance, but simply falls asleep. The shamans fight each other in spirit form, the Táltoses personally, transformed into animals. The third difference, while the shaman is the part of the society, with the Táltos nobody manages in common, he often lives alone e.g. in a farm.
During the Magyar conquest of Hungary in the last years of the 9th century there were not altercations between the magi and the Táltoses. The Táltoses help the people in their business and very rare a Táltos get such power which would challenge the rule of the hermetic magi. The magi do not care with the mundane people therefore hard to find any conflict possibility between the magi and the Táltoses. Sometimes the use of a magical aura or vis source can cause confrontations in which the magi win regularly. The Táltoses' defeats follow from their weaker magical power, whereas a hermetic magus can improve his art an especially long time because of his Longevity Ritual, the Táltoses have not such practices.
When Saint Stephen forced their people to the adoption of
Christianity his combatants slaughtered some Táltoses, others went to
hiding in the wilderness and swamps, but most of them remained in the
communities. Their magic is not a martial one, so they cannot hinder this event
they felt a catastrophic change. Their religious role ceased and they had to
find another lifestyle. The new religion meant nothing to the people and turned
to them with their problems so they secretly practiced their magic any further.
Later they tried to convince the rulers to set back the old faith but their
attempts failed.
After the baptization of the nation many of them turned to the Christianity because they grew up in this religion. The reconciliation of the spirit world and the Christianity caused a less or more problem to them. They used their magical power to help the people any further. The magic and the new religion was not a problem in the mind of the people. In later centuries the number of the gifted Táltoses decrease slowly and inconspicuously, more and more of them get only partial magical power which means only some abilities. The tradition never perished, even in the 20th century were javases, in the last years of the century the Táltosment comes into custom again..
The settlement of the Cumans, Pechenegs and Jazygians did not caused greater trouble, they had few shamans coming in the country as defeated people.
There is a question whether was even a Táltos who became the member of the Order. Maybe. The answer must find each group individually.
Using this rule you may give some Táltos feeling to your magus character and represents some element of the Táltos wizardry. This way you can get the style without big effort and rule changes.
- As a member of the House Ex
Miscellanea: the Shapeshifter (bull or stallion)
will be their free Major non-Hermetic Virtue. Usually they have a bird form as
- As a member of the House Bjornaer: bull or stallion
Heartbeast (women, too). Although the house is German in origin, it
fits to the abilities of the Táltoses.
Required abilities: Second Sight, Hungarian Rovash Writing (general ability, one level is enough or an extra level in Artes Liberales).
Do not choose virtues associated with books, education, Christianity, faeries and laboratory activities. The Elemental Magic, Diedne Magic, Mercurian Magic do not fit to them. They have the birthmark of the Táltoses, the surplus bones. Note the place(s) of the mark(s). Positive Strenght score and young starting age are suggested.
Second Sight
Trance, minor supernatural virtue
Shapeshifter (bull or maybe stallion first)
Affinity with Art, Puissant Art: Muto, Auram, Animal, or maybe Corpus
Focus: Self-Transformation, Healing or another one from the Arts mentioned
above. Martial focus is not suggested.
Ghostly Warder, but its magic might should be 60 without any extra power
Special Circumstances: playing the drum, (shaman) singing, or walking the target
Javas Healing, minor supernatural virtue, other hermetic magi cannot get
this ability
Táltos Horse Companion, minor story flaw
Hedge Wizard
Creative Block
Deficient Form: Mentem, Imaginem or Terram
Weak Magic (Differing from the rulebook they have -20 to their penetration
totals including the magic items they
make. Intelligent beings have at least magic resistance of 0 against them.
However he cannot get these penalties against those who
agree to cast on them. This agreement usually not spoken. People coming for aid
are obviously agree if the Táltos helps them with spells. The SG
may allow to heal dying, unconscious targets because they presumably would agree
to rescue them. The Táltos cannot cheat to bypass the rule of agreement.)
They were calculated to earlier editions.
R: Touch/Near, D: Spec., T: Group
You are able to fly alone, with horse or cart 200 miles per hour. The spell lasts an hour. (ReAu30)
R: Touch/Near, D: Ins., T: Ind
You can heal mental and physical diseases if the patient apply your advices. On the roll of '0' the disease untreatable by the Táltos healing. Infectious diseases (e.g.: plague, leprosy) are incurable, too. You do not need raw vis to this spell. (CrCo20)
R: Personal, D: Special., T: Ind
You fall asleep and in trance can speak with the spirits, and
learn different practices. You can improve your magical knowledge this way. The
trance takes 10-20 minutes. Roll a stress die and add the magnitude of this
spell to the score. See the result as a Trance ability check. Knowing this spell
you may have spontaneous
Storyguide: never let your players to put your story out of order referring to
the Trance. Give only as much information you think enough.
R: Personal/Touch, D: Sun/Perm., T: Ind
The target turns into the named animal, and can change back at will. Táltoses' - men and women, too - real duel happens in this form. Clothing and possessions do not transform. Use the animal characteristics, but in bull form some of them changes: the Size is the human Size +3, Strength is human Strength +3, Stamina is the human Stamina +3. Seeing the body age the too young and the old Táltoses are weaker also as animals. You may ignore the animal personality traits, if you want it. With the other variant of this spell the Táltos can change himself to a horse. MuCo25
R: Touch/Near, D: Sun/Year, T: Ind
After you have skinned a (dead) horse, you put the bones back into the skin and stuff it with straw. The spell brings this puppet to life. Domestic animals will be trained like the original owner of the skin, but wild ones not. There are other types of this spell creating other puppets e.g.: bears. MuHe30
R: Touch/Near, D: Sun/Moon, T: Ind
You can raise the body of a dead horse and are able to ride or drive it. ReAn25
R: Touch/Near, D: Inst, T: Ind
You can heal diseases permanently except infectious ones (Plague, Leprosy etc.) CrCo20
R: Near/Sight, D: Perm, T: Ind
Roll a stress die and add the magnitude of this spell to the score. See the result as a Hex ability check. PeCo, An variable
H.: Touch/Near, T.: Spec., C.: Small
Casting on a wooden staff it flies up and fight against the victims the Táltos mark out. The Strength, Quickness and the other Characteristics of the weapon are equal of the Táltos ones, but at least 0. Its fighting abilities are from the magnitude of the spell, at least 4. It has three "Body levels" and the Soak score of +10. The duration is an hour, except the staff will be defeated. ReHe(Au)20
Others: Driving away possessing spirits, Regulate the weather: rain 15th, shower 20th, storm 30th, able to create or subside. Ice, fire, flood making, the secrets of the plants, being invisible, transforming into animals, healing people and animals, finding hidden treasure.
If somebody gives up playing a magus he may decide to play a Gifted non-magus character. Another chance taking as many virtues as possible and playing a companion such a way. Like their more powerful relatives they also have the birthmark of the Táltoses, the surplus bones. Note the place(s) of the mark(s). Typical virtues are: Second Sight, Javas Healing (minor supernatural), Shapeshifter (stallion or bull at first), Animal Ken, Dowsing, Entrancement, Trance (and Hex, Herbalism and Weather Sense from the 4th edition). Táltos Horse Companions (minor story flaw) or the Visions flaw suit well to them.
Hungarian history from the beginning to King St. Stephen
Kings of the Árpád dynasty after St. Stephen (1038-1301)
The Anjou- and Sigismund age in Hungary (1301-1437)
Paper-based sources. I do not know them personally only checked the net.
Realm of St. Stephen : A History of Medieval Hungary, 895-1526
up to the 10th century
The picture with winged faerie horse is the work of Venczák Marianna. Black&white pictures are from: Hoppál Mihály: Sámánok lelkek és jelképek, the origin of the photo with drums is unknown for me.
Created: November 23, 2003
Last updated: February 22, 2013
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